Thursday, March 7, 2013

Read all about it

World Book Day, a way to celebrate the written word and inspire a new geneation of readers. With libraries closing at the rate it is (200 in 2012!), it'll be events like these that keep books alive for the book worms/kindle readers of tomorrow.

Growing up we went weekly as a family to the library where you were allowed 15 books each which was never enough, I always used to get greedy piling them higher than my limit. Oh how I used to want to work as the 'stamper' checking the books in and out!

I gobbled up books and read most things I could get my hands on, within reason, I was no War and Peace reading child prodigy. I loved the world of Mallory Towers and my mums books from her childhood about wholesome characters who always had a 'tally ho' on the tip of their tongues and who always ended up doing the right thing in the end. I remember finishing Rosamund Piltchers September at 11, no idea how I dealt with such adult themes of family feuds and adultery!

Books are still important to me now and I love getting a tip off from a friend about one they've just read and I must read it too - past successes include When God Was A Rabbit and The Perks of Being a Wallflower. The old adage about 'judging a book by it's cover' is so true, only now they are getting proper design makeovers and really giving that phrase some meaning, below are some of my favourite reads and amazing covers...


all images via pinterest

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